Current students
PhD candidate – Jorge Mestre
PhD candidate – Andrea Kaplan
PhD candidate – Miriam Gimeno Castells
PhD candidate – Lucía Espasandín Soneira
PhD candidate – Alba Fuster
PhD candidate – María Dolores Castro Cadenas
Project: Evaluation of nature-based solutions focused on the sustainable management of fisheries for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean Sea.
University: University of Barcelona (UB), Spain
Years: 2021-2025
Funding: FPU (Spanish Government)
Supervisors: Marta Coll and Valerio Sbragaglia

PhD candidate – Elena Fernandez Corredor
Project: Conservation and adaptative management of marine predators at risk: combined use of genetic tecniques, spatial and trophic ecology with ecosystem models.
University: Authonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Years: 2022-2025
Funding: FPU (Spanish Government)
Supervisors: Marta Coll, Joan Navarro and Fran Ramírez

PhD candidate – Jazel Ouled-Cheikh
PhD candidate – Giulio Tarantino
Project: Integrative approach to understand socio-ecological aspects of artisanal and recreational fisheries in marine coastal areas.
University: University of Barcelona (UB), Spain
Years: –
Funding: –
Supervisors: Valerio Sbragaglia and A. Terlizzi.
MSc student – Ben Möller
MSc Project: Environmental Assessment of the (North)western Mediterranean Sea using the Nested Envrionmental Assessment Tool (NEAT) and the GES4SEAS toolbox.
University: Master in Marine and Coastal Systems at University of Algarve (Portugal)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Miquel Ortega and Marta Coll
MSc student – Roger Roca
MSc Project: Observación de aves marinas desde barco: retos y oportunidades del turismo ornitológico como actividad con potencial transformador para comunidades costeras.
University: Màster d’Oceanografia i Gestió del Medi Marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Miquel Ortega and Jose Manuel de los Reyes
MSc student – María Valencia
MSc Project: Stable isotopes of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon in the muscle tissue and otoliths of Mediterranean myctophids.
University: Màster d’Oceanografía i gestió del medi marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Maria Bas and Konstantina Agiadi
MSc student – Jordi Aznar
MSc Project: Long-term changes in the trophic interactions of sardine and anchovy in the NW Mediterranean Sea
University: Màster d’Oceanografia i gestió del medi marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Marta Coll and Marta Albó
MSc student – Victor Moya
MSc Project: Ecology roles of Mediterranean large pelagic predators through extinction scenarios and food web modelling.
University: Màster d’Oceanografia i gestió del medi marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Marta Coll and Elena Fernández
MSc student – Raúl Martos
MSc Project: How do we assess the cumulative environmental risk of all activities in the marine environment? An exploration in Catalonia and the Gulf of Lion using the SCAIRM method.
University: Màster d’Oceanografia i gestió del medi marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Miquel Ortega and Marta Coll
MSc student – Irati Bort
MSc Project: Individual drivers and human factors shaping the migratory behaviour of Audouin’s Gull.
University: Màster en Biodiversitat at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Jose Manuel de los Reyes and Maria Bas
MSc student – Jorge Eloy
MSc Project: Operational research and optimization processes in studies of marines species, movements and connectivity between marine habitats.
University: University of Barcelona (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Francisco Ramírez
MSc student – Sílvia Manglano
MSc Project: Patrones alimentarios de las tortugas marinas y su rol ecológico: una revisión sistemática.
University: Màster d’Oceanografia i gestió del medi marí at University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Marta Coll, Alba Fuster and Claudia Aparicio
MSc student – Joana Riera
MSc Project: Mapping Habitats for Southern Hemisphere Penguins: a Penguin Conservation Initative.
University: University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Zuzana Zajkovà and Francisco Ramírez
MSc student – Francisco Pablo Salvador
MSc Project: Mapping Habitats for Southern Hemisphere Penguins: a Penguin Conservation Initative.
University: University of Barcelona (UB) (Spain)
Years: 2024-2025
Supervisors: Zuzana Zajkovà and Jorge Mestre